The 5 mukhi Real rudraksha is available in different varieties and of these the most authentic and powerful are the Nepal and Java Indonesian varieties. Nepali beads are in larger in size, with deep etched mukhi(face) lines and more developed and powerful than Java beads. Five mukhi rudraksha of Java variety is comparatively smaller in size with smoother surface and mukhi lines. Since the surface area of 5 mukhi rudraksha Nepal is more than five face Rudraksha from Java, the intensity of the healing frequency of Nepal variety is more and its results are seen faster. However 5 mukhi Rudraksha benefits of both varieties over a course of time are same. If someone is looking for therapeutic benefits then the 5 mukhi Real Rudraksha from Nepal will be a better choice because it works faster and is not very highly priced. Due to smaller size and lesser price of Java Indonesian beads, most of our clients generally opt for this variety as they can be made into pretty jewelry designs, sample images are below   The five Mukhi Real Rudraksha beads are most popular and easily available Real Rudraksha beads. Since ancient times, this Real Rudraksha beads have been worn by mankind for religious fulfillment through chanting mantra/ japa and for good health. The paanch Mukhi Real Rudraksha symbolizes the 5 forms of Lord Shiva, representing Lord Rudra Kalagni. This divine Rudaksha helps in awakening the wearers Upa Guru meaning one’s higher self and through that to God. Hence, these rare 5 mukhi beads are most widely worn beads by sages and students since ancient times.


Planet Jupiter rules the paanch mukhi rudraksha It is thus related with developing one’s own uniqueness and learning. Optimism and growth including mental and spiritual growth are two powerful qualities that are associated with this Rudraksha.

Importance Of Five Mukhi Real Rudraksha:

  • It removes malefic effects of planet Jupiter
  • It enhances one’s intellect and self-awareness
  • It is extensively used for wearing and chanting mantras
  • It cultivates Wisdom and intellect.

5 Mukhi Real Rudraksha Benefits:

  • It helps to remove intellectual dullness and in obtaining spiritual faith and insight
  • It is highly beneficial for students, scholars, teachers, writers, journalists and researchers.
  • It is highly recommended for those preparing for competitive examinations
  • It helps singers and public speakers achieve greater success in their respective fields.

Therapeutic Benefits:

  • It helps those with timid, shy or suppressed predisposition and enables them to attain a growing sense of uniqueness, self-worth and creativity
  • Gives relief in Asthma and other respiratory disorders
  • Helps curing diseases related to the thyroid gland.

Additional Paanch Mukhi Real Rudraksha Benefits:

Men and women who have blood pressure and cholesterol related problems must buy 5 mukhi Real Rudraksha. These 5 Mukhi Real Rudraksha beads are also effective in digestive disorders. Lowers cholesterol, maintains blood pressure. Good for health. Three beads have to be soaked in a glass of water every night and water consumed first thing in the morning. Beads are then kept in a bowl and left to dry and preferably kept in refrigerator.

Five Mukhi Rudraksha Mantra: