6 Mukhi Rudraksha

The 6 mukhi Real Rudraksha is available in different varieties and among all varieties, the Nepal and Java Indonesian variety is the most authentic and powerful variety. Nepal beads are bigger, well-developed and have deeply etched mukhi lines. They have more surface area thus give high intensity of healing frequency. Java beads are comparatively smaller with smooth surface and not deeply etched lines and take slightly longer time to show results. However 6 mukhi Real Rudraksh benefits over a course of time are almost the same. If someone is looking for therapeutic benefits then the 6 mukhi Rudraksha from Nepal will be a better choice because it works faster and is not very highly priced. If you planning to make pretty jewelry designs, then you can opt for Java bead variety because most clients go for these beads due to their smaller size and lesser price, sample images are below   6 mukhi Real Rudrakshis endowed with warrior qualities. Lord Kartikeya who is the son of Lord Shiva and Maa Parvati rules the 6 mukhi beads of Real Rudraksh. Our sensens are represented by Lord Kartikeya, the six headed God. The wearer of the original 6 Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed with youthful appearance and fulfillment of desires. In addition to this, the wearer of the original cheh mukhi rudraksha is blessed with the supreme qualilities of Lord Kartikeya.  These qualities include being fearless, facing each challenge like a true warrior, being sponteneous, having supreme command and wit to act quickly.


Planet Mars rules the cheh mukhi Rudraksha. Our primal instincts such as our anger, aggression, survival and stability are all ruled by planet Mars. The cheh mukhi Real Rudrakshhelps in pacifying the malefic effects of planet Mars. The cheh mukhi rudraksha benefits people who have Mangal Dosha in their natal chart (Kundali) by offering relief.

Importance Of Six Mukhi Real Rudraksh:

  • It brings stability in all aspects of one’s life.
  • Wearer of the bead is blessed with focus, grounding and perfection.
  • It removes malefic effects of the planet Mars.
  • It connects us with our ability to fight adversities.

6 Real Rudraksh Benefits:

  • Six mukhi Real Rudraksh helps to remove fatigue, laziness and dullness.
  • It increases connection with mother earth thus gives the energy of penance, stamina, balance and tolerance.
  • The wearer of six mukhi gets luck and assets of properties and vehicles.

Therapeutic Benefits:

  • It gives relief from knee pain and bone pain.
  • It gives relief from piles and arthritis.
  • It helps reduce obesity.